Reducing Stigma Requires Listening and Learning
Real Stories, Real Facts
For Real Change

I use storytelling, research, and facts to engage my audiences about a topic no one really wants to talk about and even fewer people want to hear.
Schools, family and parent groups, front-line professionals, clinicians, academics, businesses, community groups - all the places where understanding SSA is imperative and talking about prevention is possible.

These presentations are for everyone - those harmed or harming (adults or kids), teachers, professionals, parents, academics, media, students, etc.
Introduction to SSA
What parents can look for
Prevalence rates locally, nationally and internationally
Impacts to the child harmed, the child harming, and the whole family
Current and future research
Survivor stories
How to respond to disclosure
How different words are creating different problems
Barriers to disclosure
The role stigma plays in making things worse
The effects of 'secrets'
How SSA can be prevented
Online or live?
All my presentations can be online or in-person, live or pre-recorded - whatever fits best.
Is it 'awkward'?
Yes, this subject can feel awkward, but not as awkward as it feels to experience it!
Is there a fee?
A speaking / travel fee is requested but we work within your budget whenever possible.
Is there hope?
SSA is a big, stigmatized subject. But now we're dealing with it, there is definitely hope!
Should kids attend?
The more kids learn about SSA, the less likely it is to occur. So, "yes" is the simple answer.
What's in it for me?
SSA isn't a family matter, it is something that impacts our entire society, including you.
Get In Touch
Nancy Morris
#335, 1826 Robertson Road
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2H 1B9