Hi, I'm Nancy Morris
A sibling sexual abuse survivor, psychology researcher and founder of #SiblingsToo
I started this website and the #SiblingsToo podcast in 2018 in order to raise awareness of SSA and its impacts on individuals, families, and society as a whole. As I retire from my "9-5" role as a small business owner, I'm dedicating 100% of my time to the various #SiblingsToo projects including an annual International Awareness Day and the recently launched International Center of Expertise on Sibling Sexual Abuse (ICESSA.com) that provides information and resources for professionals who are working with survivors and families.

The # Story
Why "#SiblingsToo"?
I created the #SiblingsToo hashtag in 2018 for several reasons.
First, the term "SiblingsToo" is a reminder that siblings are affected by sexual abuse. It is NOT just adult to child. It is NOT just stranger to stranger. It is NOT just the teenager down the street. For decades, sibling sexual abuse has been identified all over the world, in all socioeconomic categories, religions, races, social class, and other societal markers.
Second, as a nod of respect to the #MeToo movement, #SiblingsToo is creating a way for those who currently have no voice to be heard and understood, individually and en masse.
Third, just like other hashtags, it provides a single point of reference that draws people together. The possibility of creating awareness and change is elevated when caring people know exactly where to find each other.